Sea4Earth is hosting an online project presentation on November 20th as part of a fundraising effort.
For more information and an invitation, please contact: ndurand@sea4earth.com

Daniel Williams
● September 26: General Assembly of the CRITT Agri-Food
● September 30: International Business Day
September 26: We will be attending the General Assembly of the CRITT Agri-Food in Rochefort. Sea4earth is a member of the CRITT Agro-Food, which has already supported us with PTI funding through BPI.
For more information: https://crittiaa.com/assemblee-generale/
September 30: We will be present at the International Business Day by Crédit Agricole in Lagord and look forward to meeting other local businesses there.
For more information: https://www.credit-agricole.fr/ca-cmds/entreprise/campagnes/international-business-day.html